Exhibition to take place at The Queens Theatre Barnstaple, 13th Aug-22nd Sept 2012. The Cafe Gallery Boutport St. Devon EX31 ISY. This exhibition is entitled, "Half Way There", and is to include work by photographer Tony Edmonds, [born greenwich, 18/04/70] who,s photography of the local and surrounding areas of North Devon opens our eyes to the beauty and mystical nature of this natural environment. Tony also works free lance and is well known amongst the local artistic community for is photography and for helping to catalog there work for websites and port folio,s. He is currently exhibited at, The Grampus Inn Lee Bay and at The Pier in Ilfracombe.
BELOW. "THE COAST GUARD", By Tony Edmonds.
Robert Hill Artist. born Hampstead London, 1964. also studied fine art at the University of Plymouth stationed in Exeter, obtaining a 2/1 Honours degree and graduating in the year 2000. Robert who now lives in Ilfracombe North Devon focuses mainly on the local land and seascapes of this rugged north devon coastline. He has exhibited nationally over the past 15 years, with his work also gaining some international interest when helping to set up two charities for The Marine Life Conservation Society and Combe Martin Wild Life park by exhibiting along side two sea lions by the names of, Aero and Morgan at, The Landmark Theatre Ilfracombe, feb, 2009 and The Queens Theatre, Barnstaple in Sept, 2009, these two advents managing to raise thousands of pounds. His work appears for public viewing at The Sir General Redvere Buller in Crediton, Exeter and The Listening Post in Bristol. Robert continues to work and exhibit in the West Country, with current exhibitions at, the gallery@500ft in lynton and the Grampus Inn, Lee Bay. Ilfracombe. As a studio based artist and working mainly from photographs and drawings, we are presented with a complex interaction between realism and abstraction. This interplay allows for expression of freedom in his work, opening up the possibility of fresh access in the depiction of nature, with the idea of increasing inventive creativity, in order to broaden his own understanding and comprehension of colour, structure and perspective. Using this approach the work produced reveals some strong, colourful, energetic and enigmatic depictions of the local areas. The exhibition at the Queens Theatre in August will consist of both seascape and figurative work by Robert Hill.
BELOW.. "TIME BOMB". Acrylic on paper.. Robert Hill.2011.
Acrylic on paper..A4. rOBERT hILL 2011.
BELOW. "GIRL ON STOOL NUMBER 3". Mixed media, acrylic, ink, colage and felt tip. A4.
This exhibition will also include painting by Harry Simmonds, born Bristol, 1978, who studied fine art at the University of Plymouth, situated in Exeter, obtaining a 1st class Honours Degree and graduating in the year 2000. Harry who now lives and works in Bath, is prolithic as a painter and over the past 15 years has exhibited both nationally and internationally, reaching out as far as, Scope Miami USA, 2006. He has been awarded numerous times recieving recognition from..The Rupert Lionel acott prize. 2000..short listed for, The Celeste Art prize.2006,[selected by Goldsmiths Curatorial Programme Exhibition at the, Well, Old Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, London and Finalist for, The Lynn Painter-Stainer prize, 2006 are amongst a few, recognising his contribution to the art world as a young artist. His work and exhibitions continue to go from strength to strength, more recently exhibited along sides the likes of Guy Denning, at the mauger Modern gallery in Bath 2009. and the old fire station in Oxford 2011. This shows to us tenacity and a never ending enthusiasum for painting. He continues to work from his studio, based in Bath and concentrating mainly on the human form, here we are presented with some strong, vibrant and energetic interpretations of this chosen subject..
BELOW. "MICKY", By Harry Simmonds.
BELOW.."LATER ON, SAME PLACE" Acrylic on paper, 29x37cm.
BELOW, COLAGE...EARLY STUDY.. "MUSE". not in exhibition,
BELOW...St Nicholas Chaple, "The Pier", Ilfracombe. Robert Hill
BELOW...TIDE OUT..2. Acrylic on paper.
BELOW.."THE 3 FACES OF JO". Acrylic on board..